Synctera Blog

Your go-to resource for Banking as a Service insights, guides to building FinTech apps and embedded banking products, and updates from Synctera


Your Guide to Embedded Banking

Embedded banking allows non-bank companies to offer banking products to their customers. This guide provides examples, explains the benefits, and dives into how it works to help you better understand this trend.

Building together, with the help of Synctera.AI

Learn more about Synctera.AI, a chatbot that uses an LLM trained on our public developer and functional information. Whether you are wanting to learn more about embedded banking or are building with Synctera, you can ask it specific questions and instantly get helpful responses.

Changelog: July 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

The Embedded Banking Use Case Guide for Vertical SaaS Providers

For vertical SaaS providers, embedding banking products can help them build a stickier product and increase revenue. This article dives into some of the ways they can integrate banking products into their platform in order to build a better customer experience.

Changelog: June 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

Built to Scale: Getting the Three Pillars of Banking Data Right

As your banking product scales, your data architecture becomes increasingly important. Learn how magic can happen when you structure your banking data according to the three pillars.

Changelog: May 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

Taking Ownership of Your Data with Synctera Insights

Learn more about Synctera Insights, our world-class BaaS analytics workbench. Synctera Insights gives you power over your own data analysis and analytics with user-friendly dashboards and features.

Changelog: April 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

Adding Instant Payments to Your FinTech App or Embedded Banking Product

With Synctera, you can easily add Instant Payments to your FinTech app or embedded banking product and reap the benefits for you and your customers.

Canada: An Opportunity That Synctera Was Built For

Expanding operations into Canada is something Synctera has been discussing and working towards since its inception. We're excited to finally bring our Banking as a Service platform to the country.

Changelog: March 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

Anatomy of an ACH Transaction: The Guide for FinTechs

ACH transactions happen every day, but how do they work? We break down the anatomy of an ACH transaction to help you understand the role they play in your banking product.

How to Optimize KYC for Your FinTech

Know Your Customer (KYC) is an important part of keeping the financial ecosystem safe and mitigating fraud. In this post, we outline KYC best practices for FinTechs, so you can stay compliant and deliver a great customer experience.

Heading Up North - Synctera Is Expanding into Canada, Has Received $15M in Strategic Funding

With new strategic funding led by NAventures, we’re excited to expand our operations to serve new FinTechs in the region

Changelog: February 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

How to Switch Banking as a Service Providers: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are encountering delays or issues with your current Banking as a Service provider or sponsor bank, learn how Synctera makes it easy to switch

Changelog: January 2023

A summary of the Banking as a Service product updates we've made over the last month

9-Step FinTech Compliance Checklist: How to Build a Resilient Risk and Compliance Program Before You Launch

Building a resilient compliance program will set your FinTech product up for success. Our experts have put together a 9-step compliance checklist, giving you a step-by-step guide to building a secure and compliant FinTech product before you launch to your customers.

Synctera's 2022 Summary: Climbing the FinTech Mountain

In Synctera's 2022 year-end review, our CEO writes about how we've been helping FinTechs and banks partner together while scaling our platform to support over 2 million consumers.

Great banking products get built and scaled on Synctera’s end-to-end platform

Get started to learn how Synctera can bring your product vision to life